You searched for POTATOES and I was busy and found 3 records .. here they are

Roast Lamb

Roast Lamb

I now have my fridge so I am able to buy fresh meat, fish and vegetables from the market and step up my cooking. I celebrated with a leg of lamb and roast potatoes. I was going to make homemade gravy and mint sauce but the lamb looked so great when it came out I could not wait and starting carving away. After letting it rest obviously.

Green Mash

Green Mash

This is what I like to call Green Mash, it won't turn you into the hulk but tastes good. It started a few months ago when I was boiling some potatoes and broccoli and I left them on the heat for about 30mins whilst I was on the phone. When I returned the potatoes were overcooked and i just had to mash the lot together.

Fruit Explosion

Fruit Explosion

This week the weather has been getting hotter by the day climaxing today, Sunday at 37 Celsius this to Europeans is 99 Fahrenheit. I decided this morning I would try and get myself a bit healthier. I skipped the market as I did not fancy getting fruit that had been sat outside all day in this heat and instead headed to the supermarket and look at what I got. Banana, Melon, Grapefruit, Avocado, Tomato, Carrot, Coconut, Strawberries, Leek, Potatoe and Asparagus, what an exhilarating selection of fruit and veg to go along side the meat I purchased yesterday. I am having Beef Wellington for dinner on Monday :)