You searched for JOHN-COURSE and I was busy and found 10 records .. here they are

Reminisce Carnivale

Reminisce Carnivale

This is my first event since Covid and it is a banging countdown for the yearly Reminisce Carnivale.

John Course

John Course

It is lockdown again and thankfully John has come to our rescue again and it is back to watching John Course playing online.

John Course Good Friday

John Course Good Friday

NYE 2020

NYE 2020

That was a really shit year, working from home and being locked down with curfews.



Elrow in Melbourne, John Digweed could not make it so Fisher stepped in.

Rotary Eltham Festival

Rotary Eltham Festival

Rotary Eltham Festival

The Art Of Acceptance

The Art Of Acceptance


Gold Class

Gold Class

I enjoy eating and watching films and in Australia we have Gold Class which is the first class of cinema entertainment. You can sit in a luxury reclining seat and have food delivered to you throughout the film. It is a great experience providing nobody sits next to you which thankfully has only happened once. I find booking last minute and selecting the middle seat increases your chances of having an empty seat next to you.

Sabroso Tapas

Sabroso Tapas

I went for an amazing tapas meal on Saturday night in Seddon at a place called Sabroso. I had three starters, one main and finished off with churro (Spanish doughnuts) and a chocolate dipping sauce. The food was amazing and the staff were very friendly and helpful in explaining what the dishes were even though I had my trusty friend Google with me.