You searched for BOOKED and I was busy and found 7 records .. here they are

Melbourne to Manchester

Melbourne to Manchester

I have not been back to Europe in over 19 months which is the second longest time away from my family and friends since I moved to Australia 15 years ago.

Flight Booked

Flight Booked

I have booked my flight back to Melbourne and as I do not have any credit card linked to my Emirates account I have decided to try another route back home.

Hotel Mistake

Hotel Mistake

Last week I decided to stay in a different hotel as they do say a change is as good as a holiday and booked in the one opposite the office I work in Leeds called Roomzzz. I however, did not know there were two of them in Leeds and of course I had booked in the one that was over a mile away.

Mac OS X Lion

Mac OS X Lion

I finally got round to installing OS X Lion which was the latest release of OS X which I am sure you all know is the Mac operating system.

MacBook Pro

MacBook Pro

I have been lucky with my first two days back in Manchester as the rain stayed away and the sun was out. It is not warm here but if you have ever lived in rainy Manchester you appreciate a dry day as if it was an Indian summer.

Next Trip

Next Trip

I have booked my flights back to England for my brothers wedding in November. I have somehow ended up using three airlines. Emirates, British Airways and Cathay Pacific, I am hoping the Cathay Pacific business class seat is a lot better this time. Unfortunately I will not be able to see any football whilst I am there and I am missing the derby by only a few weeks. So close but so far.

English Premier League 2010 Fixtures

English Premier League 2010 Fixtures

Does anyone know when the English Premier League 2010 fixtures are released?