61-day streak is over

61-day streak

Victoria's 61-day streak of zero community cases came to an end as three community cases were identified, linked to the New South Wales outbreak.


House and Dog Sitting

I am having the best xmas break house sitting in Seaford right near the beach and as a bonus it comes with 2 dogs .. and a cat.

Double Donut Melbourne

Double Donut

It is double donut day in Melbourne with zero new cases and zero deaths.

Roadmap for Reopening Stage 3

Covid Step 3

On 18 October, regional Victoria moved to "Step Three" and the dreaded curfew is over, hopefully I will never have to rush home to meet a curfew ever again in my life.

Roadmap for Reopening

Roadmap for Reopening

On 6 September (Father's Day), the "Roadmap for Reopening" was announced; a series of four steps towards "COVID Normal" which would begin on 13 September.

state of disaster

State of Disaster

On 2 August, a state of disaster was declared and metropolitan Melbourne shifted to Stage 4 restrictions.

lockdown part 2

Lockdown 2

We had Lockdown 1 and thought that was bad, then we had a State Of Emergency declared and now we have Lockdown part 2. When will this all end?

Pesach Passover Seder Zoom

Passover Seder Zoom

We are in full zoom and house party mode so why not an early morning Seder over Zoom.

Max Zoom Bar Mitzvah

Max Zoom Bar Mitzvah

Covod-19 has put a stop to all social gatherings and Australia has stopped all international travel unless an exemption is granted.

Coronaviruses Victoria State of Emergency

State of Emergency

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. These can range from the common cold to more serious diseases.